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Bakelite Objects > Bakelite Serata Wonder Knife Original Box
Bakelite Serata Wonder Knife Original Box

Price: $160.00

What a great find!  An original Serata Wonder Knife, in original box and paper insert.

Sometimes these knives are thought of as letter openers.  Although it would be great for that purpose, its original intent was to be a versatile kitchen knife.  The box and also the tissue paper say this:

"Serata" is made of Genuine Catalin, the"Gem of Modern Plastics".

It goes on to tell how this knife is stainless, odorless and guaranteed.
It works wonders for slicing bread, tomatoes, lemons, limes, even pineapples.

A wonderful item that is still useful!

9" long and 1/2" thick at the handle. Approx. 7/8" wide blade.
Circa 1940

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