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Recycling  in Chicago
Turn you old metal into CASH!

We meet lots of people who have lots of "things".  Sometimes things have more value as scrap than they do in their present condition.  This is becoming a bigger reality as the prices for scrap metals are going up and up.

If you are looking for a place to go in Chicago, we highly recommend EDCO RECYCLING.
They accept all types of non precious metals such as aluminum, brass, steel, copper, bronze and nickel.

Also, they are one of very few places that will pay cash for films such as:
Medical Film
Litho Film
Lithographic Film
Printing Film
X ray Film
Newspaper Plates
Silver Flake

For more information, and today's best price, Call or visit online.
Edco- 773-873-1600


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Free Shipping and Insurance (USA ONLY) on all orders over $200, except where noted. 
*Orders  $199 and under, please add $10 shipping.
 Shop with confidence.  We offer a full money back guarantee. 
Decotini.com has been on the internet since 2005.
Decotini has been on eBay since 1999. Please check our rating.
Decotini has been on Etsy since 2009.


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